Big Bear Pinball League
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Preplay Sheet: Big Bear Pinball League Spring 2020

Use this form to help record preplay scores. Preplays are used when you have a planned or unplanned absence from a scheduled league meet. Here are some helpful guidelines for doing preplays...

If you have any questions, please ask a league officer for assistance!

Preplay for Date Player Big Buck Hunter Cactus Canyon Class1812 Creature Cue Ball Cyclone

Preplay for Date Player Diner F-14 Fish Tales FrankThomas Ghostbusters Gladiators

Preplay for Date Player HighSpeedII Indy 500 Junk Yard Last Action Hero Medieval Madness Mustang

Preplay for Date Player No Fear Phantom Rescue Space Shuttle StarTrek NextGen StarTrekVeng

Preplay for Date Player Tee’d Off Terminator 2 Whirlwhind Wipeout World Cup Soccer